E tambem um agradecimento ...ainda que tardio...me perdoem queridas amigas..mas guardo com carinho a suas indicações ,as queridas Walkyria e Juliie -Ann que me ofereceram os selos abaixo.. ambas pessoas de um coração maravilhosos cheios de bondade e amor.
Julie -Ann : http://heavenleighart.blogspot.com/
Walkyria do blog " Céu Aberto blog" http://walkyria-suleiman.blogspot.com/
I want to thank to gentile indication of my blog for the magazine electronic Garden Planters www.garden-planters.com for the publishing sheila of the magazine http://garden-planters.com/blog-awards/index.php?id=3205
. It is also a gratitude... although late... they forgive me dear friends.. but I keep with love to their indications the dear ones Walkyria and Luiee-Ann that they offered me below the stamps..
both people of a wonderful heart full of kindness and love.
Kisses for All.!!!
buenaa :D felicitaciones :D lol saludoss